Ultrasound & Antenatal Testing

Ultrasound & Antenatal Testing

Experience the difference in our ultrasound and antenatal testing services, designed to ensure the safety and well-being of your baby throughout your entire pregnancy journey

Specialists in Ultrasound & Antenatal Testing

Your Pregnancy, Our Promise

Ultrasound & Antenatal Testing

At Alliance Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, LLC, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive ultrasound and antenatal services to expectant mothers in central Florida. Our state-of-the-art ultrasound suite features the latest high-resolution imaging equipment, providing exceptional clarity and detail for accurate diagnoses and assessments. Our skilled perinatal ultrasound technicians have extensive experience and work directly alongside our physicians who will interpret results and provide personalized recommendations based on your unique needs.  With our experienced team of professionals monitoring your baby's growth and development, you will have peace of mind knowing that your baby's well-being is our priority.

Our ultrasound and antenatal services include:

  • nuchal translucency (NT) screening - performed between 11 and 14 weeks to measures the tissue at the back of your baby's neck to screen for Down syndrome, heart defects, and other chromosomal disorders
  • anatomical survey - typically performed between 18 and 22 weeks to provide a comprehensive evaluation of your baby's anatomy, ensuring proper development
  • fetal echocardiogram - performed around 20 to 22 weeks in certain high risk pregnancies
  • arterial Dopplers - performed weekly during high risk pregnancies, in babies who are growth restricted
  • growth scan - typically performed during the third trimester to monitor your baby's growth, ensuring optimal conditions for development
  • biophysical profile (BPP) - performed weekly during the third trimester in high risk pregnancies to evaluate your baby's heart rate, movement, amniotic fluid levels, and overall well-being
  • 3D/4D ultrasound - performed for a variety of reasons to closely evaluate anatomy but also to obtain a "photoshoot" of your baby if desired
  • non-stress test (NST) -  evaluates your baby's heart rate as a graph over time to ensure overall well-being

If you are seeking expert ultrasound and antenatal care in central Florida, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our dedicated team. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality care, advanced technology, and compassionate support throughout your pregnancy journey.

Expert Ultrasound & Antenatal Services

Ultrasound & Antenatal Testing Experts

Throughout a woman's pregnancy, various methods of fetal evaluation and monitoring may be needed. The team at Alliance Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, LLC can perform these evaluations within the office for your convenience.  If you're pregnant and in need of antenatal testing or ultrasounds, schedule your consultation with us.  You can book online or by phone. 

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Ultrasound & Antenatal FAQ's

  • What is an ultrasound?

    An ultrasound is a type of technology that uses sound waves to create images. It is the type of imaging used most in pregnancy and performed by pacing a wand on your belly or inside your vagina. The sound waves bounce off your baby’s tissues and creates images on the monitor. Ultrasound is used in pregnancy to evaluate the following:

    • how long a woman has been pregnant and her expected due date
    • the location of the pregnancy
    • how many babies a woman is carrying
    • the baby’s growth and development
    • the position of the placenta and umbilical cord
    • the amount of amniotic fluid
    • abnormalities in the baby or mother
  • How many ultrasounds can I expect to have during my pregnancy?

    Ultrasounds are performed as part of routine medical screening or if there is a concern. The following are the 3 types of ultrasounds that all pregnancy women can expect to have performed during pregnancy:

    • confirmation of pregnancy:  The first ultrasound performed after a positive pregnancy test. It confirms the number of babies, location, dating, and viability of your pregnancy. This ultrasound is typically performed between 6 and 8 weeks of pregnancy. 
    • nuchal translucency (NT):  An ultrasound which measures the fluid filled space at the back of the baby’s neck to determine their risk of chromosomal abnormalities.  This ultrasound is performed between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.
    • anatomy scan:  An ultrasound which assesses the baby’s organs/ physician structures, placenta, and umbilical cord. This ultrasound is performed around 20 weeks of pregnancy.  

    If you or your baby have certain medical conditions which make you high risk, you may have additional ultrasounds or testing throughout your pregnancy, also known as antenatal testing. 

  • Where will my ultrasounds be performed?

    At Alliance Obstetrics & Gynecology, we recognize that your time is valuable.  As such, our state-of-the-art ultrasound suite was designed for your convenience.  Our full-time sonographer, Claire, will perform your ultrasounds in the comfort of our office.

  • Am I able to have a 3D/4D ultrasound during my pregnancy?

    We know how important it is to see your little bundle of joy!  Our office offers 3D/4D ultrasound to meet these needs.  This ultrasound is best performed at 30 weeks of pregnancy when you can see your baby yawn and smile as you get a glimpse of their features and personality.   All of the high quality images will be captured and saved on a flash drive for your convenience.

  • What is antenatal testing?

    Antenatal testing refers to various tests which are performed during pregnancy to check on the wellbeing of your baby.  Methods of antenatal testing include growth scans, biophysical profiles, and non-stress tests. 

  • What is a growth scan?

    A growth scan is a type of ultrasound where your baby’s head, abdominal girth, and femur length are measured to determine their estimated fetal weight.  An estimated fetal weight which is in the normal range provides reassurance that your baby is growing well.  If the estimated fetal weight is much less than expected, additional testing is needed.

  • What is a biophysical profile?

    A biophysical profile (BPP) is an ultrasound used to evaluate the health of your baby and placenta. This is done by assessing the baby’s movement, muscle tone, breathing, and amniotic fluid. The goal of a BPP is to prevent pregnancy loss and detect any signs of fetal stress which may require additional interventions to be performed. The BPP is performed once a week for any pregnancy considered high risk. These tests begin at either 32 or 36 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the condition necessitating testing. 

  • What is a non-stress test?

    A non-stress test (NST) is a non-invasive test which uses an electronic heart rate monitor to detect and graph your baby’s heart rate to determine their well-being and proper perfusion (blood blow) through the placenta. The test involves attaching one belt to the mother’s abdomen to measure fetal heart rate and another belt to measure contractions. A normal fetal heart rate pattern indicates that your baby is healthy and is receiving adequate oxygen.  If an abnormal fetal heart rate pattern is detected, your provider will inform you of what additional interventions or testing need to be performed.  NSTs are performed twice a week for any pregnancy consider high risk. These tests begin at either 28 or 36 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the condition necessitating testing. In many situations, a weekly BPP can be performed in lieu of the twice weekly NSTs. 

Request An Appointment Today!

If you’re pregnant and needing ultrasounds or antenatal testing, set up a consultation with us at Alliance Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, LLC.

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