Pediatric & Adolescent GYN

Pediatric & Adolescent GYN / Hematology

The Center of Excellence for Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology / Hematology

Specialists in Pediatric & Adolescent GYN and Hematology

Your Child, Our Promise

The Center of Excellence for Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology/Hematology

At Alliance Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, we have have a Center of Excellence for pediatric & adolescent patients where we provide specialized and collaborative gynecological and hematological care.  We offer a range of services from preventive care and education to diagnosis and treatment of gynecological, bleeding, and clotting disorders specific to this age group. We create a safe, comfortable environment where young patients can discuss sensitive issues related to their reproductive health, while empowering them with knowledge and resources to make informed decisions. With expertise in managing conditions such as menstrual disorders, ovarian cysts, infections, congenital anomalies, and bleeding disorders, we are dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of our young patients throughout their transformative years.

Our pediatric & adolescent gynecology/hematology services include:

Specialists in Pediatric & Adolescent GYN and Hematology

Pediatric & Adolescent GYN / Hematology Experts

At Alliance Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, LLC, we have The Center of Excellence for Pediatric & Adolescent  Gynecology/Hematology.  Our multidisciplinary team at The Center of Excellence utilizes their expertise to diagnoses, treat, educate, and empower young girls of all ages.  With a gentle and compassionate approach, patients will learn about their body and how to keep it safe, understand bleeding and clotting disorders and how to treat them, and have access to evidence-based treatment options for a wide range of gynecologic and hematologic conditions, especially menstrual bleeding disorders.   If needed, examinations are performed with modesty, gentleness, and a sense of self-empowerment for young girls.  Diagnostic and treatment plans are developed with patient/parental shared decision making.   Our goal is to ensure young girls and teens are provided with the education and support they need to take ownership of their body and reproductive healthcare for years to come. 

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Request An Appointment Today!

If you’re under 18 and in need of gynecology or hematology services, set up a consultation with us at Alliance Obstetrics & Gynecology Group, LLC.

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